Friday 29 August 2014

Parade In Your Name

I want there to be a parade in your name.
I find myself looking past my balcony.
The hard rain. Coffee in hand.
It's peaceful outside.
Yet I find myself in pain, rage and anger.
Questioning the character of humankind.
I want there to be a parade in your name.
I have not felt this rage, these demons or this pow
in some time.
And yet this morning I'm questioning,
I'm looking at life. Maybe mine too?
Then. Just then a disabled women goes walking by
I've seen her many a time.
Around 4:20p.m. walking from work back to her
Her disability makes it very hard for her to walk.
Yet everyday she does . She doesn't take a car or
Today was the first time I've seen her go to work
During these conditions.
Today was the first time I've seen her go to work
Enduring extra hardship.
Even on a day like this with the cold hard rain.
There she is, slowly walking to work.
She has character. She is accountable. And I wept!
I want there to be a parade in her name.
Able or disabled?
In the dictionary it states;
Disabled "to make unable, unfit or disqualified."
And at that point,
I thought she was the only person that was able, fit
and qualified.
For she gave me strength.
She gave me strength through her example.
My body was now less in trouble
I could face the day.
I could face this day.
I can face any day.
I want there to be a parade in your name.
Like a real one, all people should gather for you.

Patrick Yohnke

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