Tuesday 26 August 2014

GETTING ENGAGED? Guys, things you should do when getting her a ring!

Most women consider their men as enhancements to their lives. They judge each other based on their relationship; ‘ooh, her boyfriend’s handsome’, ‘Bj got a car from her husband’, ‘look at my brand new clothes’. You have to give her something to show off to her friends. Elevate her status in front of ‘the girls’. A perfect ring would do that
for you. If you think you can escape buying a superb ring for your wife-to-be, think again. She might not mention it to you but every time another guy buys a wonderful ring for one of her single friends or even astranger on TV, you receive at least two silent curses/insults (depending on her
level of understanding ) and an audible sigh.

Things you should do when buying a ring:

Save up (obviously):
The moment you realize she’s the right woman for you, start saving. Whatever the style you think she will like, you should be ready to watch your money change hands. Find out her ring size and what she will like:
Don’t ask her! You will ruin the surprise and seriously, what’s a proposal without surprise? Plain acting, that’s what. She will try to act happy and excited when she’s already over it. You could ‘borrow’ one of her rings for
measurements or ask her friend to do so for you. Look closely at her accessories, if she wears large chains, bangles etc without a qualm, then she might prefer a large stone but if she goes for subtle things, take a minute to thank God for small mercies and get her a small but beautiful ring. Ask her friends about her interests. Ensure you swear them to secrecy though.

Buy something close to what you will want to
This is a short but important advice. Your wedding rings will be matched to the engagement ring so buy the ring with yourself in mind. You don’t want to be stuck with something you don’t like.

After the above, you need to know the kinds of rings there are and what the gemstones symbolize. Be cost and quality conscious as you search
for suitable rings. Buy from reputable dealers so as to avoid buying blood
diamonds or stolen gemstones.

Be creative:
I find diamonds boring. Yes, they are expensive and are said to be a woman’s best friend but they are just so common these days. Guys don’t even think hard on these things anymore, they just buy a huge diamond and expect gratitude forever. Sapphires, rubies, topaz etc, it’s not that hard people. Princess Diana got a sapphire, make your girl a princess too. So, give yourselves peace of mind, guys. Buy two rings today. The second one is for when the first gets missing. It happens every time.

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