Friday 29 August 2014

Ebola cases in Nigeria now 15, authorities warn against euphoria

A doctor has died in Port Harcourt, after being infected with the deadly Ebola Virus Disease from treating a diplomat who was in contact with Patrick Sawyer — Nigeria’s first case — , the health ministry has said.
His wife is being tested after showing symptoms and the results could come in as soon as late Thursday, nearly a week after her husband died last Friday. If positive, she could bring to 15, up from 13, the number of confirmed cases of the virus.

She has been quarantined after showing symptoms, and another 70 people believed to have had contact with the late doctor or his wife have been put under surveillance for Ebola. The diplomat with ECOWAS evaded surveillance in Lagos in the late week of July and travelled to Port Harcourt.“We now understand he consulted with a doctor and
was apparently treated for some symptoms,” said Chukwu. “After four days, following a manhunt for him, he returned to Lagos by which time he was found to be without symptoms.” “Even though he does not have Ebola but further laboratory tests indicate he had suffered Ebola,”
added Chukwu. Officials began tracing contacts on Saturday and a treatment team and mobile lab have moved into Port Harcourt yesterday, he added. “We will surely handle Port Harcourt, as we handled Enugu and Lagos,” Chukwu said Thursday morning. He said the diplomat’s case “would have been of no further interest since he had completed the 21 days of surveillance without any other issue, but for the fact that the doctor who treated him died last Friday.”

The doctor is believed to have died from the disease in the shortest period, sparking interest in further dynamics of the virus and its interactions with human immune system. “A lot has to be studied. There are things we know we might still learn about this disease.” All the cases so far confirmed have been limited to people who had direct or indirect contact with Sawyer, prompting the health ministry’s declaration on Tuesday that Nigeria had managed to contain the outbreak. But the health and information ministries have warned against media headlines that have given the impression that Nigeria is free of the virus, even though some patients are still on treatment or under surveillance.

While media must not create panic, there’s also “no need for euphoria” or complacency, said Chukwu. “We’ve contained this disease, but [it] is still with us, and until we discharge the last patient, we cannot say we are free of it.” Information minister Labaran Maku said he was “disappointed” at the “outlandish headlines.” He cited colleagues angling for a handshake convinced by media headlines that Ebola was over. He called the headlines “dangerous” in his appeal to news editors and journalists. “It has taken us back in terms of public awareness and education we need to enforce,” cautioned Maku. “This is not the kind of story we can write with levity, because people coulf be in danger,” he said.“Don’t give people panic or any impression of euphoria that the disease is over.”

Parade In Your Name

I want there to be a parade in your name.
I find myself looking past my balcony.
The hard rain. Coffee in hand.
It's peaceful outside.
Yet I find myself in pain, rage and anger.
Questioning the character of humankind.
I want there to be a parade in your name.
I have not felt this rage, these demons or this pow
in some time.
And yet this morning I'm questioning,
I'm looking at life. Maybe mine too?
Then. Just then a disabled women goes walking by
I've seen her many a time.
Around 4:20p.m. walking from work back to her
Her disability makes it very hard for her to walk.
Yet everyday she does . She doesn't take a car or
Today was the first time I've seen her go to work
During these conditions.
Today was the first time I've seen her go to work
Enduring extra hardship.
Even on a day like this with the cold hard rain.
There she is, slowly walking to work.
She has character. She is accountable. And I wept!
I want there to be a parade in her name.
Able or disabled?
In the dictionary it states;
Disabled "to make unable, unfit or disqualified."
And at that point,
I thought she was the only person that was able, fit
and qualified.
For she gave me strength.
She gave me strength through her example.
My body was now less in trouble
I could face the day.
I could face this day.
I can face any day.
I want there to be a parade in your name.
Like a real one, all people should gather for you.

Patrick Yohnke

He’s Had Enough! Ik Ogbonna Bemoans Been Referred To As Gay!

Sexy Nollywood actor, Ik Ogbonna is tired of people referring to him as being gay as he is not interested in men but in women, women with big booties in fact……
In a recent interview again, he spoke about his relationship and his persona…..
“I am tired of the gay rumours trailing me. You can never pick out any man with whom I have had an affair in the past, but you can link me to some of the ladies I have dated. It is funny because I am sometimes called a ladies’ man and at times rumoured to be agigolo – gay. These three things do not relate to one another. “That I have chosen to adopt
the UK style of dressing, which typically comprises tight pants, should
not make me gay. The fact that I have friends in the industry that I choose to hang out with should not make me a gay. I really don’t care about what people think of my personal life. I can’t spot anyone as being gay in the industry and I don’t see anything wrong with two guys or ladies being close friends. Until I am approached by a guy or I see guys getting down together then I can conclude that he is gay.”

On why he flaunts his relationship on social media
“A lot of celebrities do not want anyone to know they are in a relationship for several reasons or out of fear. I don’t put out pictures for anyone to draw conclusions or create any form of illusion. As far as you are human, you must feel love at some point in time. I might be seeing someone and she is Columbian. “A lot of people say that I will lose fans because I posted a picture of another lady on my Instagram account. I don’t have any reason to hide my affair. It is a good thing and even God in heaven smiles at it. I will try to flaunt it as much as I can. But right now, I am not
ready for marriage.”

Culled from Punch

Wednesday 27 August 2014

BREAKING: Tension mounts as fighting breaks out in Nasarawa

Serious fighting has broken out between the Fulani and Eggon in the Tudun Adabu area of Obi local government of Nasarawa State. According to the police, most houses in the area have been set ablaze while the town has been deserted. The Managing Director of the Police Micro Finance Bank, Alhassan Gidado, and two others were murdered in the same area in September, 2013 when Ombatse militia attacked neighbouring villages and passers-by.

The two others killed were the Abuja branch manager of the bank, Tunde Banwo, and their driver, Aliyu Adamu in Tudun Adabu. The recent fight is a spill-over of the killings that occurredbetween Monday and Tuesday around Assakio in Lafia local government and Bakyano in Nasarawa Eggon Local Government Area. About 20 houses were burnt in Assakio on Tuesday while the resident of the paramount ruler, Osula Inarigu, was vandalised. Tension has already enveloped the entire state for fear of
reprisal attacks across communities where Fulanis and Eggons reside.

The state police spokesperson, Ismaila Numan, who confirmed the incident, said information available to the police was still sketchy especially as it concerns casualty figures. Mr. Numan also said that the town of Assakio, a few kilometres outside Lafia, has been deserted. “Houses around the chief’s house have been set ablaze while the chief’s house was vandalised. We didn’t recover any corpse yet but the town has been deserted. The town is just like a ghost town,” he said.

In a press briefing Wednesday, the senior special assistant on public affairs to the Nasarawa State governor, Abdulhamid Kwarra, disclosed that communities in Akwanga, Nasarawa Eggon , Lafia, Obi and Wamba local government areas were enmeshed in crisis. “The state has again been engulfed in security challenges in the past seventy two hours, which has led to some fatalities, and at the same time, displaced some persons,” he said. Mr. Kwarra said that the number of casualties would be ascertained after the state Security Council meeting which was still holding at the time of the briefing. He said that government has taken proactive measures to contain the situation. Trouble reportedly started last weekend following a misunderstanding between the Fulani and Eggon, which resulted in a reprisal attack by Ombatse militia in support of the Eggon at Alingani community in Lafia local government area.

Investigation by PREMIUM TIMES showed that hundreds of internally displaced persons, IDPs, were trooping to Lafia, the state capital, and Nasarawa Eggon, the headquarters of the  Eggon tribe. The police spokesperson, Mr. Numan, confirmed that there were two casualties from Sunday’s attack.

Frank Lampard announces England retirement

Frank Lampard, 36, has announced his retirement from international football. The 36-year-old midfielder has called time on his Englandcareer which has spanned 15 years and earned him 106 caps.
Lampard said in a statement released by his management company:
“I have taken the decision to retire from international football. It has been a very tough decision for me to make which is why I have given it so much thought since the World Cup.”

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Strike: Healthcare services yet to resume in earnest

Normal healthcare services in Federal and State hospitals got off to a slow start yesterday as doctors under the aegis of the Nigeria Medical Association, NMA, returned to work following the suspension of their 56 days old protracted indefinite strike over the weekend. Several hours after most health institutions across the Federation opened for the day’s activities, medical doctors were not seen at their duty posts while a few that were present were said to be in a meeting.

A visit to some of the hospitals in Lagos showed almost total absence of patients at the various hospital departments and few doctors who claimed to have resumed duty were also offering skeletal services in the outpatient clinics and wards. However, it was reliably gathered that the 16,000 resident doctors sacked a week ago across the country are yet to
resume in their various hospitals. Vanguard investigation revealed that in all the hospitals visited, the situation has not changed from what it was since the doctors embarked on the protracted strike.

From the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, LUTH; Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, LASUTH, National Orthopaedic Hospital, Igbobi, Lagos, NOHL, among others, the situation was the same. At LASUTH, for instance, normal activities were yet to return when our reported visited around 12.00 yesterday. At the Medical Emergency Department of the hospital, it was gathered that new patients were not being admitted. A few patients were seen lying helplessly at the entrance with no immediate assistance in sight.

A staff of the hospital who spoke to Vanguard under anonymity confirmed that only skeletal services are being rendered for the time being as no tangible arrangements for full resumption of services were on ground. “Most of these people you see here are waiting for doctors, if
they are lucky they may be attended to, but what I know is that the doctors are currently at an emergency meeting,” the staff explained.
Similarly, at the surgical outpatient department of the hospital, a large number of patients were seen on a long queue, waiting to be attended to.
Some of the patients said they had been around since 6:00am but were yet to be attended to by any doctor because of the long queue.

A few health workers seen attending to some of the patientswere ,however, not wearing protective materials in line with safety measures recommended by the state government to contain outbreak of the Ebola Virus Disease. Also at LUTH, there were no patients in sight. From the Female Medical, Male Surgical to Paediatric departments, no tangible services were being rendered. The same scenario played out at the National Orthopaedic Hospital, Igbobi, Yaba.

Reacting to the strike, Chairman, LUTH Association of Resident Doctors, ARD, Dr. Olubunmi Omojowolo, said the strike had been suspended but there were a lot of intricacies concerning the strike. “Generally, after calling off a strike it takes some time before things will start falling into place and this particular strike, is complicated by the fact that resident doctors are still sacked. The Federal Government is yet to reverse their decision and the resident doctors constitute the bulk of doctors in Teaching Hospitals. “Even now, the resident doctors are on ground but we cannot work until the Federal government withdraws the circular,” he
noted saying that other cadre of doctors notably the consultants cannot do much without the resident doctors.

Also reacting, the Secretary, NMA Lagos, Dr. Saheed Babajide, confirmed that the strike has been called off, but said the doctors had resumed duty.
“Let me also tell you that the resident doctors are not working because the Federal government has not reversed its circular on the sack of the 16,000 resident doctors. Again, we have also gone to the industrial court to stop the Chief Medical Directors of the various Teaching Hospitals from giving the resident doctors letters of termination.”

In Kano, the doctors have also not resumed duties 24 hours after the strike was called off. Vanguard checks in the commercial city revealed that a huge crowd of Out Patients that were seen in all the three tertiary
health institutions Monday left home disappointed as there were no doctors on duty to attend to them. At the Malam Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, beds were still empty as no patient has been admitted, while it was the same scenario in other Government Hospitals including Murtala Mohammed Hospital and Abdullahi Wase Hospital.

Brand Storytelling – The 4 P’s

Having the ability to tell your brand’s story is anecessary part of building a brand. Crafting the right story can help convey the essence of your brand so that it touches and captivates your audience.
Here are 4 key elements that your brand’s story should have.

Brand Storytelling – Make It Personal
Your brand’s story should be relatable. It should easily connect with some facet of someone’s life. Why? Your aim is to be relevant to your intended audience or at least communicate this relevance so that consumers want to see or themselves how your brand is a match for their particular need.

Brand Storytelling – Make It Portable
Your story should be easy to tell. It should be quick to grasp, easy to remember and easy to relay to someone else. Simply put, your brand’s story should be digestible and clear enough for your audience to understand and communicate to someone else. In this way, word of mouth can be used and your brand’s story can be retold to the

Brand Storytelling – Make It Pointed
Be precise about what the brand should mean to your audience. There should be no guesswork in how your brand adds value. This ‘P’ is essential, since it helps your audience to easily digest and relay your brand’s message.

Brand Storytelling – Make Sure There Is a Plot
Every story has a situation, conflict and a resolution. When crafting your brand’s story make sure that you are taking your audience on a journey that first describes the situation and conflict that make the brand necessary. Then, explain why the solution can be found in your brand’s existence. Through this journey your audience can envision their own personal, similar journey and find resolution in your brand.

GETTING ENGAGED? Guys, things you should do when getting her a ring!

Most women consider their men as enhancements to their lives. They judge each other based on their relationship; ‘ooh, her boyfriend’s handsome’, ‘Bj got a car from her husband’, ‘look at my brand new clothes’. You have to give her something to show off to her friends. Elevate her status in front of ‘the girls’. A perfect ring would do that
for you. If you think you can escape buying a superb ring for your wife-to-be, think again. She might not mention it to you but every time another guy buys a wonderful ring for one of her single friends or even astranger on TV, you receive at least two silent curses/insults (depending on her
level of understanding ) and an audible sigh.

Things you should do when buying a ring:

Save up (obviously):
The moment you realize she’s the right woman for you, start saving. Whatever the style you think she will like, you should be ready to watch your money change hands. Find out her ring size and what she will like:
Don’t ask her! You will ruin the surprise and seriously, what’s a proposal without surprise? Plain acting, that’s what. She will try to act happy and excited when she’s already over it. You could ‘borrow’ one of her rings for
measurements or ask her friend to do so for you. Look closely at her accessories, if she wears large chains, bangles etc without a qualm, then she might prefer a large stone but if she goes for subtle things, take a minute to thank God for small mercies and get her a small but beautiful ring. Ask her friends about her interests. Ensure you swear them to secrecy though.

Buy something close to what you will want to
This is a short but important advice. Your wedding rings will be matched to the engagement ring so buy the ring with yourself in mind. You don’t want to be stuck with something you don’t like.

After the above, you need to know the kinds of rings there are and what the gemstones symbolize. Be cost and quality conscious as you search
for suitable rings. Buy from reputable dealers so as to avoid buying blood
diamonds or stolen gemstones.

Be creative:
I find diamonds boring. Yes, they are expensive and are said to be a woman’s best friend but they are just so common these days. Guys don’t even think hard on these things anymore, they just buy a huge diamond and expect gratitude forever. Sapphires, rubies, topaz etc, it’s not that hard people. Princess Diana got a sapphire, make your girl a princess too. So, give yourselves peace of mind, guys. Buy two rings today. The second one is for when the first gets missing. It happens every time.

Monday 25 August 2014

Always, I Am With You

You have told me time and
That I am your life and your
You used to say that life
would cease after me,
I still exist but you have
ceased to live even with me.
As of yesterday I am still
looking at you,
Holding your hand, staring at
But now it seems you are not
with me,
Standing alone, fighting with
your own agony.
I know you are very much
At this point, trying to
overcome it.
I am also patiently waiting for
that moment.
But apprehend that it might
not be too late.
Life is too short; we must take
the ugly strife
For such is the way and the
spice of life.
I don't know what to say and
how to convince
This is indeed a phase, yet
another experience.
We are for each other, for this
is true,
Remember that always I will,
and I'm with you.

Kirk Franklin Exclusive: 'Sunday Best' Host Talks Making God Famous, Prayer For Gospel Music

Kirk Franklin’s name may be synonymous with gospel music, but with his hand in television, radio programming and hosting it is easy to think he is working hard to advance his own brand. On the contrary, Franklin, 44, insists his goal is to make sure that God will be famous today and for the coming generations. Franklin’s popularity is hard to ignore with his own Sirius XM radio station, Kirk Franklin’s Praise, television hosting gigs on The Game Show Network’s “The American Bible Challenge” and BET’s “Sunday Best.”

Still, the musician finds time to run his own record label, Fo Yo Soul Entertainment, while hosting agospel brunch at every House of Blues
establishment across the country. Franklin told TheChristian Post how much fun it is to be involved with his various projects, but revealed a deeper reason for taking on each endeavor. “I’m always trying to find innovative ways to be ableto keep God famous,” Franklin told The Christian Post. “For all the properties I’m involved in, that’s been my agenda. I think that sometimes we have compromised quality content for the fear of Christianity, and I think that they both can co-exist.”

While Franklin has a break from co-hosting GSN’s “The American Bible Challenge” which aired its third season finale in July, he is honoring his hosting duties on “Sunday Best.” After seven years of appearing on the popular BET gospel music singing competition, Franklin is still excited to return as the show’s host. “It’s very cool to see people get excited about
content that is still very vertical,” he told CP. “That’s what I want to do and get involved in. I continue to try to push that agenda.”Although Franklin said he could never judge the competition because he would have a hard time sitting still, the veteran gospel musician is an executive producer for the show and decided to sign “Sunday Best” winners to his Fo Yo Soul record label. Tasha Page-Lockhart won the competition last season, which resulted in Franklin signing her and executive producing her recently released debut album, “Here Right Now.”

Franklin has a vision, not only for Page-Lockhart’s album or for his singing group The Wall Group, but for his record label to which they belong. “We’re trying to create content that is very culturally forward without compromising the push of the gospel,” he told CP. While Franklin has successfully dominated the gospel music charts with his own solo records, he also writes and produces music for others. He wrote and produced singer Tamela Mann’s song “Take Me To The King” which surpassed 500,000 digital sales in the U.S. and became certified Gold by the RIAA.

Although Franklin does not mind working behind the scenes on successful music, he does admit to not always knowing whether he should record some songs he writes for himself or bless other people
with them. “That’s hard because you don’t know. At times you’re like ‘should I keep this or should I do that,’” Franklin revealed to CP. “I trust that if God gives me music for someone else, that’s what He wants that
person to have. I have to trust that that’s what they’re supposed to do and that’s the music that should specifically be released for them and their ministry, for their career and for their audience.” With all of his endeavours, it is hard to believe that it’s been three years since Franklin’s last solo album was released. Still, he refuses to rush the process.

“I am praying through that process right now. (I’m) just praying and asking God to give me what He wants me to do next,” Franklin told CP. “So yes, that is on my radar…not trying to rush it.” The gospel musician was previously a choir director who came onto the scene releasing music with successful gospel choirs like The Family, God’s Property and One Nation Crew. It has been well over a decade since he went solo, but Franklin does not rule out the possibility of returning to his original
format of leading choirs on records. “I don’t really know what my future holds in that area, but I am always open to figuring out what’s different for me, what’s fresh, what’s something that I could do that would be new for people,” Franklin told CP. “So you know I always think about it like
that. If it feels fresh and exciting, I’ll always consider (it).”

Franklin is a celebrated veteran in the gospel music industry, with seven Grammys, 13 GMA Dove Awards and 15 Stellar Awards. The musician has mastered the art of creating quality gospel music for two decades and insisted that the most important quality in the music is sincerity.
“It should reflect wherever we are and our personal spiritual growth with God. If that’s not our top priority, then our artform is going to be very shallow,” Franklin told CP. “It should not be just for the sole purpose of the artform itself…if it’s that, we’ll suffer. We have to make sure people can feel the sincerity of our own testimony and our own journey so they know this is something that is really real for us.”
Franklin believes gospel music should be in tune with the culture of the world instead of focusing solely on the church. “People don’t live at church, they live in the real world. So music has to reflect that how people live, what they’re doing as they go through their trials in life,” he told CP. “So I just hope and pray that we’re always able to tap into that and be that voice for people.”

Sunderland join chase for former Chelsea forward

Sunderland are to join the chase for former Chelsea striker Salomon Kalou who they want on a permanent deal, according to The Sunderland Echo. The North-East side are one of several clubs, including Premier League side West Ham, that want the Lille forward.

It is believed the French club want £4 million for Kalou which is within The Black Cats budget. However speaking after the 1-1 draw with Manchester United, Sunderland manager Gus Poyet gave no indication towards the potential signing the French international. “I am going to have to do research at this football club into who is leaking information every week. It cannot be always the player’s agent,” he said, speaking to Sunderland Echo. “A few agents, okay, you can blame them, but there is too much information coming out and I don’t like it. “I am not going to comment on any players, sorry.”

The 29-year-old spent six seasons at Chelsea, scoring 60 goals in 251 appearances before moving to Lille but now could be on his way to England.

Sunday 24 August 2014

Don Moen, Ron Kenoly, Donnie Mcclurkin set to storm Nigeria

Asaba is set to receive fresh anointing as international gospel acts like Don Moen, Ron Kenoly, Donnie Mcurlkin will be leading thousands in worship. The event which is tagged “Delta Yawdah” will be holding on Tuesday August 26, 2014 at the prestigious This Day Dome in the heart of Asaba, Delta state by 8pm. According to the conveyor, Pat Uwaje King,
this year’s Delta Yawdah is significant because the nation is in need of God’s hands for supernatural intervention in its affairs.

The concert is supported by Delta State government and will cause lasting changes beyond music and in the lives of the people of Delta State. “13 musicians will be in Asaba for Delta Yawdah 2014 and with myself, the Glory of God will be invoked as we praise him and seek his face. Beyond music, the worship will have an impact on individuals as well as communities,” Uwaje reveals. “The best of Nigerian musicians will also grace the occasion and bring the diverse cultural flavour in praising God in our local dialects. Eben, Doris Dumah, Monique and a host of five other musicians will be on ground to minister”.

Saturday 23 August 2014

Two weeks ago I was the king, now I am the devil of Manchester – Van Gaal

Louis van Gaal has hit out at criticism following Manchester United’s opening defeat to Swansea City and maintains the club are set for a “difficult three months”. “Two weeks ago I was the king of Manchester and now I am the devil of Manchester,” said Van Gaal. “It’s the football world and it is especially the media in this football world. I think the fans of Manchester are intelligent.

“I’ve already said in all the press conferences that it shall be difficult in the first three months, for the players and also for the fans. “I can imagine the fans are scared. They saw last year and the first home match. They have to believe. Paul Scholes has to believe.”

EBOLA: Customs intercepts, destroys truckload of monkey meat in Katsina

A truck-load of bush meat suspected to be monkey meat smuggled into the country by a yet to be identified smuggler, yesterday, was destroyed by operatives of Kaduna and Katsina command of the Nigerian Custom Service. According to Customs Comptroller of Federal Operations Unit (FOU, Zone B), Maina Tijjani Suleiman, the truck was intercepted Thursday morning at the Katsina border. Suleiman also said the truck contained 351 bags of bush meat and that each of the bags weighed
100Kg, stressing that the seized meat may have come from Libya, according to reports from leadership.

He explained that the seizure was necessary in view of the current challenge of the dreaded Ebola disease, noting that had the meat made its way to Nigerian markets, “only God will tell the extent ofdamage it may cause.” He warned importers of similar products to desist from doing such or face the full wrath of the law, assuring that the customs would not shirk from its responsibility of supporting the ongoing fight against Ebola. “The driver abandoned the vehicle and ran away after he was chased by our men. But then, some hoodlums attempted to attack our men and it took thereinforcement of operatives before the truck was retrieved.”

In a speech, the Katsina State commissioner of health, Mannir Talba,who lauded operatives of Nigerian customs for the seizure, said it was the needed step in the collective resolve to prevent the spread of Ebola.

EBOLA: FG’s N1.9 billion intervention fund at risk of diversion – NMA, Falana cry out

Some concerned stakeholders have urged the Federal Government to shun the temptation of diverting the N1.9bn set aside for the containment of the spread of the deadly Ebola virus. President Goodluck Jonathan had, on August 8, 2014, approved the release of N1.9bn as the Ebola intervention fund. But two weeks after the presidential directive, the fund had yet to be released. The Minister of Health, Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu, had said on Wednesday that the Federal Government had released N200m to the Lagos State Government. But on Thursday, the
minister said in a statement that the N200m was not part of the N1.9bn Ebola intervention.

The Nigerian Medical Association, human rights lawyer, Femi Falana, and some activists warned the Federal Government against diverting the
intervention fund, according to report from The Punch. The NMA Secretary-General, Dr. Adewunmi Alayaki said that people should avoid the temptation of seeing the outbreak of the Ebola virus as an
opportunity to enrich themselves. The NMA secretary-general claimed that there had been instances in which funds allocated to fight diseases did not get to the end users.

Alayaki said, “We have seen a lot of cases in which money will be released and it will not get to end users. Whatever is allocated to fight Ebola, let that money be used for the purpose. “People will want to take advantage of what is going on to enrich themselves. That is not the best. What we are saying is that the money should be released to the end users.” Also, Falana asked Nigerians to demand accountability from the government on how the money would be spent. It is believed that the money can be diverted for funding the President’s re-election bid, the same concern which they expressed about the $1bn loan being requested by the Federal Government to fight insurgency.

Falana said, “It is embarrassing that the Federal Government has not released the money. The President himself said the situation was critical and then declared emergency against the Ebola disease. The Federal Government should release the funds to the state governments in the interest of the health of Nigerians which requires the full attention of the
government. “If that is not done as soon as possible, some of us may compel the government to release the fund.” He said the money might not necessarily have been diverted for Jonathan’s re-election bid, but added that government could just be waiting for the disease to disappear and then direct that the money be returned to the treasury. This, he said, had been the manner of Federal Government’s handling of the national budget?

Friday 22 August 2014

Obama refuses to partake in the now viral #ALSIceBucketChallenge

The President of the United States, Barack Obama has opted to pay the penalty for not carrying out his #ALSIceBucketChallenge. Obama was challenged by Ethel Kennedy, the eldest living member of the Kennedy
family, an American political dynasty.

When challenged and one doesn’t carry out the challenge in 24 hours, an option to pay atleast $100 to the ALS charity is activated. ‘The President appreciates Mrs. Kennedy thinking of him for the challenge, though his contribution to this effort will be monetary,’ the White House told Boston

The #ALSIceBucketChallenge which was started to aid awareness and raise money to treat the Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,has seen notable public figures partake in the now viral charity cause.

Two year jail term for hiding ebola victims in S.leone

FREETOWN (AFP) – Sierra Leone, battling a deadly outbreak of Ebola, passed a law on Friday that will see anyone harbouring a victim of the disease facing a two-year jail term. The attorney general announced the new measure as a top parliamentarian lashed out at neighbouring countries for failing to do more to help resolve the crisis.

Sierra Leone has been one of the hardest hit by the epidemic, with 374 deaths and 907 cases since the outbreak began. “A maximum of two years jail term will be imposed on anyone caught hiding somebody who is believed to be infected with the deadly Ebola disease,” Attorney General Frank Kargbo said after introducing the bill into parliament.

With tensions over the outbreak running high, the majority leader of the house, Ibrahim Bundu, criticised neighbouring countries that he said had abandoned Sierra Leone. “We are appalled by the slow pace of response by some of our development partners and the abandonment and isolation from those we viewed and believed to be our biggest friends at sub-regional, regional and global levels,” he said in a statement.

He called the cancellation of flights and closing of borders to contain the virus “ugly developments” that were leading to further isolation and causing businesses to shut down “at the time of greatest need”. He said Sierra Leone would be reviewing its relations with countries that the government felt had snubbed their cries for help “when life returns to normal”.

According to the latest figures from the World Health Organization, 1,350 people are now believed to have died from the Ebola virus, which has been raging in the region since March. The WHO said it was concerned that families were hiding infected loved ones in the belief they will be more comfortable dying at home.

Nigerian Army storm media house, quizzes manager over mutiny report

Troops from the 7 Division of the Nigerian Army yesterday invaded the Maiduguri Regional Office of the Media Trust, the publishers of Daily Trust newspaper and quizzed two of its managers following a story published by the medium.

The newspaper had published a story on alleged mutiny by troops from the division earlier in the week, which drew the ire of the Nigeria Army.
It was gathered from staff of the establishment in Maiduguri that about eight soldiers led by the newly deployed spokesman of the 7 Division, Colonel Sani Usman stormed their office located along Baga road at about 12 noon, requesting for the writer of thestory, according to report from ThisDay.

When the writer could not be provided, the troops quizzed the Regional Operation Manager, Jamilu Aliyu and the out-going operational manager, Aminu Ado to the division office on the order of the acting General Officer Commanding (GOC) of the division, Brigadier General M.Y Ibrahim.

The duo were however released about an hour later after interrogation. Both Aliyu and Ado, recounting their experience later, said they were threatened by the commander who repeatedly warned he medium to stop unnecessary criticisms of the military in the newspaper’s reports.

Meanwhile, a letter signed by the division spokesman, Col Usman and left at the Maiduguri office of the Daily Trust warned the newspaper to
retract the story. The letter warned that “failure to do so would henceforth attract sanctions”. It is also stated that “over time your paper has been unnecessarily critical of the military without cross-checking your facts with the formation,” even against the backdrop of the division unreadiness to give any information to journalists having centralized all information dissemination on insecurity in the state to the military authority at the defence headquarters.

No evidence Boko Haram abducted 100 men in Borno

Reports of fresh mass abductions in Borno State by the
extremist Boko Haram sect last week predictably jolted a
world still distraught by the kidnapping of more than 200
school girls by the same terrorist group from the same state.
While the girls remain in captivity four months later,
widespread news reports said between Sunday and Friday
about 100 young men were abducted from Doron Baga, near
Lake Chad. Subsequent reports claimed the kidnapped men were rescued by Chadian forces.

The news stories were largely untrue, extensive investigation
by PREMIUM TIMES has shown.
News of the latest kidnappings originated mainly from major
international news wires- Reuters, Associated Press and
They three news organizations– all based in the United
States– quoted unnamed security officials, residents and local
vigilante groups in Doron Baga, the scene of a deadly clash
between the Nigerian military and members of the Boko
Haram sect.

Reuters said “dozens” of boys and men were driven away in
trucks on the night of Friday, August 15, after their captors
overpowered local vigilantes who had no military support.
The Associated Press said exactly 100 people were abducted
but later freed by the Chadian forces, quoting a Nigerian
security official and a local self-vigilante member.
The AP said the attacks occurred Sunday, August 10, five
days earlier than Reuters reported.

A member of the local vigilante in Doron Baga was quoted as
saying that 20 women and about 70 young men were forced
to board speed boats in Lake Chad.
Another news agency, Bloomberg, also reported that 100
people were kidnapped from the same community; but said
the event happened on Thursday, a day earlier.
The captives were boys and young men not women as AP

The report said 10 people died amid fears the abducted men
might be forced to join and fight for Boko Haram.
The three news stories, syndicated by hundreds of news
organizations around the world, apparently reported what
appears the same attack on the same community — Doro
Baga. But the reports cited different dates, numbers and those

Reuters’ version of the event was reported by organizations
including the UK Guardian, Aljazeera, Fox among many others.
Buzzfeed and others quoted Bloomberg while AP was
referenced by several others including Yahoo news and Israel’s
Hareetz newspaper.
All quoted local vigilante members, residents and unnamed
security officials. The military was quoted as having declined

As of Sunday, the Nigerian military maintains that position-
refusing to confirm any report of kidnappings officially.
“The Multinational Joint Task Force is operating around the
Lake Chad Basin, Doron Baga inclusive. I cannot confirm any
abductions,” defence spokesperson, Chris Olukolade tweeted
August 17.
PREMIUM TIMS has spoken to three soldiers- very reliable
contacts – stationed in Borno State, who were involved in the
fight against Boko Haram that Wednesday night in Doron

Villagers in Doron Baga also told some of our sources they
were not aware men were abducted from their community.
A senior military official in Abuja also spoke to PREMIUM
TIMES about the events of that night.
They all denied that people were abducted.
One soldier, who is especially critical of the Nigerian military
authorities, said the clash was one of the few the military
wholly defeated the insurgents.

“That night we were able to fight Boko Haram off,” said the
soldier on condition of anonymity since he is not authorised to
speak to the media. “They started by opening fire on us. No
soldier was shot because we fought them.”
Those interviewed admitted some civilians were killed by stray
bullets and many of the militants too.
The soldiers said their performance was so impressive they
were rewarded by the commanding officer. “We fought them
this time that our commander gave us welfare for a job well-
done,” he said.

The soldiers said they were notified by Boko Haram days
ahead of the attack.
In a typical display of bravado against a military that has
suffered repeated losses in their hands, Boko Haram had
dispatched a letter intimating the troops they would be
storming Doron Baga to retrieve their wives.

“What happened was that Boko Haram sent us a letter that
they are coming to pick their wives. Some of the men here left
their wives to go and join Boko Haram,” one soldier said.
The insurgents arrived as scheduled, but this time the soldiers
were “alert”, one source said.
“We did not even allow them deep into where civilians were,”
the source said when questioned about the likelihood some
civilians were taken captives.

“Everything’s perfect” – Tina Knowles breaks silence on BeyoncĂ©, Jay Z’s marriage

Beyonce’s mom, Tina  Knowles has finally
responded to rumours claiming her
daughter and hip hop mogul, Jay -Z are
heading for a split.
Tina who had a brief chat with TMZ
yesterday, stated that there’s no truth to
the increasing speculation that her
daughter is on the brink of a divorce from
her hubby.
Momma Knowles when asked how the
Carters and the Knowles handle all the
media attention said,  “Haters gonna be
haters and there’s nothing we can do about
Questioned about the couple’s relationship,
she answered, “Everything’s perfect.”
She continued, “I just don’t even read the
bull, you know?”

Health Minister says Ebola cases not yet over in Nigeria

The Minister of Health, Professor Onyebuchi Chukwu, has indicated that it was possiblefor the country to record fresh cases of Ebola as some of
those who had contacts with Patrick Sawyer, the Liberian-American who brought the disease into Nigeria, are still under investigation.

The Minister, who spoke through his Special Assistant on Media and Communication, Dan Nwomeh, commended the medical personnel who
have been handling the situation in the country, assuring that the government will guarantee that the virus does not get out of control.
Hear him: “A good number of secondary contactsare yet to complete the 21-day incubation period, the possibility of two or three more cases could not be entirely ruled out,”

“The health workers, who have been managingpatients of the EVD deserve commendation for their courage, compassion and sacrifice,” he said. Chukwu, who assured that the government will immortalise the late Dr. Stella Adadevoh showered praises on her, saying; “Dr. Adadevoh took the brunt of physically blocking the patient from running away from the First Consultants Hospital … I am confident that she will be honoured by Nigeria.”

Adadevoh got infected with the disease while attending to Sawyer at the First Consultant hospital in Obalende, Lagos.
Nigeria has recorded the least case of Ebola virus among three other West African countries affected by the disease. While 189 people have been quarantined and 12 confirmed to have the disease, five persons including Sawyer have died of Ebolaand 61 people out of the 189 have been discharged after testing negative to EVD at the end of the 21- day incubation period.