Friday 5 September 2014

Nigeria Govt orders schools to resume September 22

The Nigerian government has reviewed the resumption date for schools by three weeks. All private and public schools are to resume September 22, not October 13 as earlier announced. The October schedule was to curtail the spread of Ebola in Nigeria where six people have died of the virus. The date was an extension of the initial plan for schools to reopen new sessions second week of September after the long break.

Proprietors of private schools had complained about the October date, and had urged the government to consider early resumption. After an emergency meeting in Abuja on Friday, the Minister of Education, Ibrahim Shekarau, said all public and private schools in the country should resume on 22 September. Mr. Shekarau said all federal government colleges should also adhere to the new resumption date, and said measures put in place to curb the spread of Ebola are still intact.

The minister added that any Ministry of Education in the 36 states that has not appointed desk officers on Ebola should do that before the resumption. He added that the ministries should ensure that at least two
staff in each school – both public and private — are trained by appropriate health workers on how to handle any suspected case of Ebola. He added that they should embark on immediate sensitization of teaching and non-teaching staff in schools on preventive measures.
Mr. Shekarau ordered that the training must be concluded before schools resumes.

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