Monday 1 September 2014

Creative Time Savers for the Female Entrepreneur

As more women run their own businesses and top the corporate ladder, they inevitably find themselves with less time to get things done. The key to any successful work day is scheduling. Trying to get as much done as possible without a smart schedule is grasping for success in the dark.
Although you can’t control every aspect of the day, there is a way to create time for yourself and make the business run more smoothly.

Delegating Tasks
As your business grows, you simply can’t do everything on your own. Learning to let go of certain jobs is difficult for any successful entrepreneur. Sit down and make a list of all your responsibilities. Evaluate each item and see if it can be delegated to another manager or employee. Although there are items that must be overseen by the owner or CEO, there could be dozens of smaller jobs just waiting to be delegated. You’ll see employees rise to the challenge while creating more time for other crucial matters.

Flex Hours
Create flexible hours for yourself and certain employees to save time. For example, select one day a week to work from home. You save time from not having to commute or face distractions from employees. As long as your home is quiet, you’ll find productivity to be amazingly high. Solve a
problem you’ve been struggling with for weeks, for instance. Because there’s no stress of dressing up and commuting to work, you can concentrate on completing a project to make the company even more successful.

Public Transportation
Whether you take a train or bus, public transportation offers another look at creative time-saving. Use the traveling period to type out a proposal on a laptop or read a project that requires some more editing to work perfectly. If you have to drive to work, your time is taken up by the physical transportation effort. According to this website, a commute on a NYC to Washington DC Bus has plenty of stops to get you on at any point. Letting a train or bus driver take you to work gives you plenty of time to yourself. With some commutes taking 30 or 60 minutes, you can gain nearly an hour of time.

Streamline Protocols
Settling into a routine at work is normal, but finding time for all the protocols can be daunting. Consider looking at one process from start to finish. Pinpoint any areas where you can remove or alter steps. Over time, you’ll see computers taking over certain steps, making the process more streamlined. Implementing new and altered protocols keeps employees happy and saves time for everyone. Productivity across the business only increases profits over time. From throwing out some protocols to appointing tasks to several individuals, there is time in your day. You simply need to pinpoint areas to change. Evaluate your entire day to see what items can be moved to other hands. A successful business is run by the entire employee group, not just the person in charge.

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