Sunday 19 October 2014

God's unending love

If there is one thing that defines how God feels toward humanity, it’s His unlimited love. I’m so glad to know the love of God. I’m so glad to know that His love for me is not based upon what I do or how I do it. God’s love is based solely upon his power to love and nothing else. We cannot lose the Love of God. After all, God loved us long before we even knew who
He was. It was God that came looking for us, his lost sheep.

Romans 5:8, "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." It was God who first decided that
He wanted to have a personal relationship with man whom He had  created. It is God who chases after us, seeks us and tries to reach out to us. Our attitude toward God has nothing to do whatsoever with whether God loves us or not. The Book of James tells us in Chapter1, verses 17-18 that, "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures." That simply means that the Love of God is God’s good and perfect gift to all men everywhere, whether they are saved and living for Him, or not.

It is God’s perfect, unchanging and unending love that reached out to you and I when we were yet sinners and had not given God a thought. We were running as wild sheep when God came hunting for us and called us by name and said, “It’s time to come home now!” Aren’t you glad for God’s love, God’s mercy and God’s grace? I’m so glad that God’s love for me doesn’t change. He doesn’t love me any less when I have failed him miserably and yielded to temptation and ran from His presence to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. His grace is always the same,reaching out to bring me back to Him and to do all that he can to convince me to restore my relationship with Him.

The Book of Psalms says over and over again, “His mercy endureth forever. His mercy endureth forever. His mercy endureth forever!” I’m so glad that my God is an unchanging God. He is Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever, and because He is an unchanging God, I can always count on His great love, His mercy and His grace, even when I am rebellious against Him, and trampling his love into the dust, and running with all my might from His perfect will for my life, and chasing after the things of the world, and caught up in the cares of life, His love is still there.

True enough, I can lose God’s favor by running from Him. He can lift His hand of blessing from my life. I can lose that  closeness in my relationship with Him. I can suddenly realize, like the Prodigal Son, that I have strayed far from home and now I am trapped in the hog pen of sin and shame. But no matter how far I have gone, I am so glad that I can turn back toward home and know that God still loves me and His
greatest desire is to see His wayward sheep come home.

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